Sylvia Melton


Sylvia Melton

Sylvia Melton


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  • Member Since

    Dec 2021

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    United States

  • Born

    8 December

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Sylvia Melton is a storyteller, cookie enthusiast (despite what Santa says), and proud mom who believes in the magic of childhood imagination. When she’s not dreaming up new adventures for her books, you can find her baking wildly imperfect cupcakes, building blanket forts, or losing spectacularly at board games with her son.

Her love for writing began with bedtime stories that turned into whimsical tales her family couldn’t get enough of—so she decided to share them with the world! Sylvia’s books are filled with heart, humor, and just the right sprinkle of silliness to make kids giggle and parents smile.

She lives in Dallas-Fort Worth with her energetic family and an alarmingly large collection of mismatched socks. Santa Doesn’t Want Cookies is her latest adventure in bringing joy to little readers everywhere. ???

Sylvia Melton Books

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